Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Another tourist weekend.

This is a beautiful car. It was one of many that parked up for Motormania last weekend.
The town was packed and everyone was out, strolling up and down in the sunshine, listening to the live music provided by the pipe band and the Scottish dance band (perhaps there is a generic term for this, but fiddlers etc) and the Farmer's Market, stalls for local charities and some market stalls so that people could buy blow-up hammers for some reason.

It was also Dad's birthday. Sadly not one of the good days so he missed his birthday dinner. He is 83 and has good days and a lot of poor days when he feels frail and tired or is sick and unable to eat. On a good day he can walk to the river through the woods but these days are increasingly infrequent.
Grantown is a good place to grow old, the local services are fantastic and Dad gets his prescription delivered to the house if he can't make it. They just bring it, he doesn't ring. They just notice he hasn't appeared by closing time and the staff trot over with it. The "service" is partly because we are a small town and partly because of the good nature of the people who chose to live here.

In 6 days I will have lived here permanently for a year and this blog will cease. The transition is complete; from Yorkshire to Speyside.

The Motormania was on Sunday, on Saturday I climbed a mountain from Glen Feshie and on Friday I canoe-ed round Loch an Eilean. The need to fit in all the good weather activities I can is pressing as winter is on the way. The curtains were drawn at 8.40pm...but we're not there yet!

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